By Kelsey Cheng For Mailonline
Published: 07:04 EDT, 31 August 2018 | Updated: 09:31 EDT, 31 August 2018
A barber has been filmed cutting a customer's hair using an angle grinder in south-east China, shocking net users.
Bizarre footage shows the hair stylist using the handheld power tool - more commonly used to slice through metal - to make quick work of a customer's unruly thatch in Ganzhou city.
The barber reportedly has more than a decade's experience of working with disc grinders and claims to be the first person to cut hair using the unusual clippers.
Bizarre footage shows the hair stylist using the handheld power tool - more commonly used to slice through metal - to make quick work of a customer's unruly thatch in Ganzhou city
The barber reportedly has more than a decade's experience of working with disc grinders
The clip filmed in Jiangxi province begins with the barber testing the grinder on a section of a metal pole, sending sparks flying as the power tool came in contact with the metal.
The male customer, wearing a barber's cape, sits unfazed by the loud whirring sound of the tool.
The barber then starts to work on the man's hair with the power tool and a comb, starting from the man's temples and the working his way to the top of his crown.
The clip filmed in Jiangxi province begins with the barber testing the grinder on a section of a metal pole, sending sparks flying as the power tool came in contact with the metal
The customer, wearing a barber's cape, sits unfazed by the loud whirring sound of the tool
A angle grinder is more commonly used to cut through metal - and certainly not used in salons
Within seconds, patches of hair fell off, revealing a clean buzz cut. The customer seemed very happy with the result.
The video was first released early this year in January and has gone viral recently.
'This is the scariest haircut ever - why would anyone do this?' asked one.
However, some net users remain unconvinced, saying that the metal disc could not achieve such a clean-cut effect.
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