Albury Cricket Club forced to clean up again as rooms are broken into for a sixth time by thieves | The Border Mail | Wodonga, VIC

2022-09-09 20:21:24 By : Ms. zanchuang furniture

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A Border cricket club is at a loss with what to do next after a sixth break-in within the space of 12 months.

Thieves once again targeted Albury Cricket Club's rooms at Billson Park in the early hours of Thursday, cutting metal security bars and locks, breaking a window and damaging security equipment, before taking off with a small amount of cash and alcohol.

The club's CCTV footage managed to capture some of the incident before tape was used to cover the outside lenses and the monitor was disconnected once the thieves gained entry.

Club president Cameron Walker said it was "beyond frustrating" and "deflating" to face yet another clean up.

"We haven't even started the season and we're already going backwards," he said.

"I don't know what the answer is. We've spent a lot of money trying to beef up security and they just turn up in the middle of Albury with an angle grinder and grind off locks and then grind off bars on the windows.

"They're in hoodies and a balaclava and tape over the cameras. It's pretty brazen.

"It's almost to the point where we just close the doors and walk away because we just can't keep beating their heads up against a brick wall. That's just insanity."

Murray River Police District officers were notified and have commenced an investigation.

"Police have been told an unknown person or persons gained entry into the club and stole cash and alcohol," a NSW Police spokesperson said.

Albury Cricket Club was left with a damage bill of around $10,000 after the first break-in occurred in November last year and Mr Walker said the issue had snowballed since the opening of the new skate park opposite Billson Park on David Street.

"I don't see how we can really do too much about it," Mr Walker said.

"We'll weld the bars up again, put new locks on, replace the window and replace the monitor that they smashed on our security system, but next time they might just rip the security system out of the wall."

Albury Council chief executive Frank Zaknich voiced his disappointment towards the incident.

"AlburyCity provides a broad and diverse range of facilities for public use across our community, and works directly with many user groups to ensure these facilities are well maintained and fit for purpose," he said.

"Break-ins and damage to public facilities costs our community in terms of repair bills, and impacts the hard work that sporting and other user groups do in supporting their club members and the broader community.

"User groups are encouraged to ensure that valuables stored at public facilities are minimised and well secured, and if a break-in or damage is witnessed the community should report this to police."

Anyone with information to help with the investigation is urged to contact Albury police on 02 6023 9299 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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