We all know that we should be drinking more water, but it can be tough to accomplish that task when your tap water tastes like…well, tap water. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I prefer the taste of bottled water over tap water, which can often have a funky flavor. Bottled water just tastes better. But it’s expensive and there’s the issue with all those plastic bottles going into the landfills. A better alternative for taste, expense and the planet is to drink filtered tap water. There are different ways to filter your water from whole house filters, filtering pitchers and filters on your faucet. All of those solutions require you to be at home though. What do you do if you want filtered water while you’re at work or somewhere else? Enter the KOR Nava hydration vessel which is a sports style water bottle with a built in filter.
Note: Images can be clicked to view a larger size.
KOR Nava water bottle 1 Filter Coupon for 6 free filters with purchase of a 1 year filter subscription (currently $10)
The KOR Nava water bottle is very attractive and comes in 4 different colors. I was sent the white / blue version that you see above. The oval shaped bottle is made from BPA-free Eastman Tritan which is an FDA-approved, health-safe material that’s durable and clear.
The bottle comes with one filter that is made from 100% carbonized coconut shells. Each filter should last up to 3 months or 200 refills, which ever comes first. Replacing filters is simple. Just remove from the package, run under water for 20 seconds, place in the straw and screw the straw back into the cap.
The Nava has a unique straw design that holds the filter and allows for easy drinking. You don’t have to squeeze the bottle or bite the mouth piece. You just sip from it like you would any other straw. It’s easy and effortless. The tip of the straw is a perfect size and is comfortable on your lips.
The straw/cap combo is designed with cleanliness and ease of use in mind. Just press the blue button and the cap will flip open and the straw will pop up.
Unlike some popup lids I’ve tried with other water bottles, this one is very easy to use and requires little effort to open or close.
So how does water taste filtered through the KOR Nava? I won’t say it tastes like bottled water, because it doesn’t. I think minerals are added to some brands of bottled water, which makes them taste really good to my palate. I tested water from my home faucet and water from a faucet at my day job. I drank a cup of unfiltered water first and then drank from the Nava. The water from my home faucet didn’t have any unusual flavors to start with, but the water from the faucet at work did taste a little funky. Filtering both waters in the Nava resulted in water that tasted fine. I didn’t notice any chlorine or other funky flavors. Also the water didn’t take on a plastic flavor like I’ve noticed with some plastic water bottles. To be completely honest, the Nava filtered water tastes completely flavorless to me. Which isn’t a bad thing.
Health-safe carbon activated filter made from 100% pure coconut shell. Sustainably manufactured. Tested to exceed NSF 42 standards for chlorine taste and odor removal.
Cleaning the bottle will be more time consuming due to it having three parts (four if you count the filter). Refilling the bottle means you’ll need to lay the cap / straw on something clean while you fill it. I also found that the Nava might not fit in all car cup holders. It would not fit in the cup holders in my 2013 MINI Cooper. However it did fit in the cup holders of our 2007 Kia Sorento.
The bottle itself is very well constructed. It has a high quality look and feel to it. The bottom has a non-skid cushioned base and the cap has a cushioned rubber loop that makes it comfortable to carry. I didn’t not notice any leaks when carrying a full bottle in my bag to and from work. The bottle also didn’t leak or dribble when drinking from it.
If you have been buying bottle after bottle of water from vending machines because the free water where you are doesn’t taste good, then by all means, you need to try a KOR Nava hydration vessel water bottle. It won’t take long to recoup the purchase price of the bottle and you’ll be doing the planet and your wallet a favor while helping to keep your body hydrated.
When I was young, and there were fewer obese and diabetic people around, I never saw people lugging round bottles of water in the streets, at school and at work. You couldn’t buy bottled water in the shops. Strangely, I never saw people collapsing from dehydration – perhaps they were too weak to leave their homes.
Or maybe it’s global warming that’s causing us to need to drink more water?
I’d be interested to see some peer reviewed sources (!) for your assertion and the reasons why people need more water today than they have done in the the last 50 years or so of my lifetime, but fundamentally I think it’s bollocks that we should be drinking more water.
@andy No where in my review did I state that people need to drink more water today than they did 50 years ago. This is just a review of a water bottle for people who want to drink… water. Filtered water that doesn’t have chlorine and other distasteful flavors.
@andy, It may have been that 50 years ago people did not have easy access to all the big Gulps and massive amounts of tea, soda and fruit flavored beverages we do now. People drank out of public faucets and hoses because that is what they had available. Now it is very convenient to go grab a big 32 oz of your favorite beverage. Heck who would want to drink plain water when you have all of those other flavorful choices.
That being said, I am going to make an effort to switch out from the Crystal Light iced tea and Diet DP I keep at my desk all day with good old water. When I exercise I drink water, but otherwise I find myself drinking other things. If I can get myself to drink water all day instead of these other beverages, I will save money and I should be more hydrated and less tired at the end of the work day. Thanks Julie for the review, this will be my kick start.
@Lynn I will send this one to you if you want it. Email me…
I completely forgot to link to the video of the flip top lid. It’s added now.
Yeah, I used to drink from the faucet, from hoses, etc. but that was in Seattle. In S Cal, the water tastes terrible. I ended up installing an RO system from Costco – my kids were sucking down 2 bottles a day, and I felt guilty throwing away ~200 plastic bottles every year.
Love this water filter bottle! Does it’s job. And it is BPA FREE – so happy to finally find a great bottle to take with me and not have chemicals.
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