Man has VERY close call after a metal disc breaks off his power tool and flies at his face | Daily Mail Online

2022-06-10 20:33:12 By : Mr. Edison Wang

By Carly Stern For

Published: 17:18 EDT, 14 September 2021 | Updated: 17:18 EDT, 14 September 2021

An Australian man has millions of TikTok users recoiling in horror after having a shockingly close call with a power tool — after a sharp piece broke off and cut through his protective face gear, stopping a breath away from his eye.

Matthew Peters was using a grinder — a tool that sharpens blades and tools — when half of the metal disc broke off and went flying right at his face.

Fortunately, Peters was wearing a face shield, which absorbed the blow — but the sharp-edged disc still cut right through the plastic, coming to a stop less than an inch from his eye.

Saved! An Australian man has millions of TikTok users recoiling in horror after having a shockingly close call with a power tool

So close! Matthew Peters was using a grinder — a tool that sharpens blades and tools — when half of the metal disc broke off and went flying right at his face

'Anyone else s*** themselves at work before?' he wrote over the video, which he captioned 'close call.'

He shows a close up of the Makita grinder he had been using, which has just half of the metal disc still attached.

It's unclear how it came to break, but it appeared to have still been spinning when it did so.

As it spun, the half disc sped toward Peters' face, with one point cutting through his face shield.

'Anyone else s*** themselves at work before?' he wrote over the video, showing the broken tool

Viral: The video has stunned TikTok viewers, who have watched it 55.4 million times and like it 8.4 million times

Luckily, the plastic seems to have stopped the piece just in time: Peters films his face first from the front, them from the side, showing just how close the metal came to his face.

The side view shows the point mere millimeters from his cheek, with part of the metal less than an inch from his eye.

The video has stunned TikTok viewers, who have watched it 55.4 million times and like it 8.4 million times.

'You better go buy a lottery ticket,' advised one viewer.

'Time to find a new job,' quipped another.

'This is what happens when you say, "It's a good day at work today" and you forget to knock on wood right after,' wrote yet another. 

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