Rust-Remover Comparison Test: 12 Solutions, Which One Is Best?

2022-04-22 23:16:45 By : Ms. Kay Hoo

Rust, often considered the cancer of the automotive world, is the enemy of anyone who loves cars, trucks, or any items mainly constructed of steel or iron. Rusting or oxidation is defined as a chemical reaction in which electrons are lost, and while that's a pretty stuffy, chemistry-based definition, it is relevant to stopping rust from destroying our vehicles; basically we want to stop or slow the loss of electrons from the steel either chemically (via rust-remover) or physically (by grinding it off and/or sealing it with paint or other sealer). Over the past 20 years in the off-road industry, and more than 35 as an off-road enthusiast, we've dabbled with various techniques for killing rust, which is the only way to prevent its continued growth. Recently, we needed to stop a bunch of surface rust on the hood of a 1974 CJ-5 we own, and thought this might be a good place to do some unscientific tests of what works and what doesn't. One important note before we begin: Don't forget to wear eye protection and rubber gloves, as well as shop clothes, when dealing with any of these products; they can all hurt you inside and out, so be safe.

This is an assemblage of stuff you may already have on hand. These are household products (mostly) that may or may not work to clean rust off of sheetmetal. Some are based in science and others are based in rumor … with a little science mixed in.

We actually did two tests with white vinegar. One involved taking a small, rusty part and letting it soak in vinegar overnight. The second test involved rubbing some vinegar on our rusty hood. Initially the part we soaked in vinegar looked about the same as when we put it in, but with a little brushing almost all of the rust flaked off leaving some pretty clean metal. We'd give it a solid 8 out of 10 in our arbitrary comparison. Rubbing white vinegar on the rusty hood helped remove light surface or flash rust. We'd give that a 3-5 out of 10 for effectiveness. It worked, but not terribly well; hardly worth doing unless you can let the part soak for a while.

Chances are, you have some white vinegar in your pantry. It's used in cooking and cleaning. We had some and yes, it works. If you can soak rust in vinegar for a while, it will come off. Rubbing vinegar on a rusty hood, however, created some results on very light surface rust or flash rust but didn't seem to touch heavier rust.

We soaked a rag with white vinegar and let it sit on the hood.

After a few minutes some of the surface rust was dissolved, but not all of it. While we wanted this to work well, unless the part can be soaked for a long time, acetic acid (vinegar) just isn't much help.

This part soaked in vinegar overnight. At first we weren't very impressed with the results, but with a little work with a wire brush …

… this! Most of the large chunks of rust fell off, leaving some nice clean metal (but a few spots of stubborn rust).

Pool acid is called muriatic acid, but the truth is, it's your old enemy from Chemistry 101, hydrochloric acid (remember all those darned chemical equations you had to balance?). Hydrochloric acid works on iron rust, but it's also dangerous and can cause burns on clothes, skin, and elsewhere, and also can cause certain gasses to form, some of which can burn or kill you. HCL can also damage paint, plastic, rubber, concrete, and even dissolve some iron-based metals if left exposed for too long—even the fumes can cause other metals or surfaces to corrode. As a result, we are pretty hesitant to use it at all, and you really need to dilute it with water (remember: always add acid to water, never the other way around!) and neutralize it with baking soda. Citric, phosphoric, or acetic acid (vinegar) are much safer than HCL. But it does remove surface rust from iron in a pinch. Because of all the possible health concerns and potential damage to other surfaces in the shop, we give it a 1.5 out of 10 on our scale of usefulness and would avoid it in most cases.

We poured some diluted HCL (2 or 3 parts water to 1 part pool acid—remember, always add acid to water, never the other way around) on a rag and let it sit for a while. It works, but the risks and dangers of HCL aren't worth it in our opinion.

Oh, yeah—this HCL had some copper dissolved in it previously and it plated part of the hood while etching off the rust. That's cool accidental chemistry, but who knows how long it will prevent future rust (if it does at all). Also, we may have created some toxic gasses. Luckily we did all this in a well-ventilated area. HCL is kinda scary.

Yeah, we are not sure where we heard this one first, but some folks claim that you can remove surface rust by using a potato to massage baking soda into it. We were skeptical, but the truth is it did work … a little bit. We're guessing there is some chemical reaction (baking soda is basic; the opposite of acid), and a little mechanical scrubbing from the starch of the potato. Much like the white vinegar, Mr. Spud and some baking soda did remove some surface rust, but had little effect on the heavier rust. We give it a 3-4 out of 10—hardly worth doing unless it's all you have.

We admit we were skeptical, but this actually did work on some of the lighter surface rust. We suppose it might work on heavier rust with more manual labor, but we're too lazy to really spend much time rubbing a potato on our hood.

Yeah, you feel funny doing this and you look funny too.

This is another one that had us shaking our heads even while trying it, and honestly we noticed almost no difference either soaking a rusty part in molasses dissolved in water or rubbing it on a rusty surface. It may have done something but we either ran out of patience or were so unimpressed that we gave up on this solution pretty quickly. Our rating: 2 out of 10. But maybe you could use it to make ethyl alcohol … that's another fun chemistry experiment we will save for another article … or gingerbread cookies. Yum!

We've heard folks say that you need to dilute the molasses at 7 parts water to 1 part molasses. It supposedly takes several days to remove the rust while parts soak in the molasses water. We're not patient enough for that and lack a tub large enough for a Jeep hood.

These are products specifically designed to remove rust. Some are available at your local hardware store, others from speciality auto body supply houses or online. We have our opinions and preferences, what are yours?

This one, made by Pro Form, is a rust-remover that leaves a protective coating to inhibit further corrosion. Once it's treated the rust, the area must be topcoated to seal it and prevent further growth. It's an amber color, and when brushed on rusty metal it loosens some of the rust, turns purple and then needs to be wiped off. Rinse and repeat for heavier rust. We used it in a couple of places and it seemed to work pretty well on lightly rusted surfaces. It left a black coating on thicker rust that we assume was the protective coating. It seemed like a good product to treat any small areas of rust or pitting where you can't get all the rust off the metal. We give it a 6 out of 10 on our arbitrary scale. You need to wear gloves and eye protection (as with any chemical) and this stuff will dye your skin purple … we found this out the hard way. Luckily no burns resulted.

We bought this product from Pro Form at our local paint supply house. It worked well on light surface rust and flash rust (like all these products specifically designed for rust removal), but seemed to leave some of the heavier rust in place.

After application the fluid changed from amber to purple.

This is after the product dried and was then washed off, following the instructions and using fresh water. It did clean up some of the lighter surface rust and turned some of the heavier rust black.

This rust-remover gel from Blaster, the same company that makes PB Blaster penetrating lubricant, is probably our favorite of the professional rust treatments we tried. Why? Well, basically, it works, even on the heavier rust and pitting. But it does have some drawbacks. The gel formula helps keep it in place, but the instructions recommend painting it on about 1/8th-inch thick and then covering it with plastic wrap (we used some old plastic packing material to cover it). This keeps the product from drying, which would presumably stop it from doing its job. The product needs to sit in place for an hour or two, though, and may need to be reapplied a couple of times. Still, after three or so treatments it cleared up some of the pretty heavy surface rust on our hood. The drawbacks are the time that it takes, the mess (it's messy) and the need to cover it. That seems to limit the size of the area you can treat at one time. We give it a 7.5 out of 10. Again, you need to wear old clothes, rubber gloves, and eye protection.

Rust Remover Gel from Blaster was probably our favorite product because it worked (albeit messily and slowly) even on some of the heavier surface rust.

This is the first coat on a small area of the hood where the rust was the worst. We used disposable gloves, eye protection, and some disposable paint brushes to apply the gel.

The instructions say to cover the product with plastic wrap and allow it to sit on heavier areas of rust. We used some old packing material and left coats on for about 30 minutes at a time. Then we cleaned the area with fresh water and re-applied the gel and the plastic.

After 3 or 4 applications of the gel you can see some real improvement on the hood. This stuff works, but slowly.

Yeah, you've probably heard of Eastwood when it comes to automotive restoration and repair supplies. The truth is, we've had this bottle of Fast Etch from Eastwood for several years, and it still works even after all this time. The literature claims that it will dissolve rust and leave a protective zinc-phosphate coating, and we buy that. We like this product, but like the Pro Form, it doesn't seem to do much on heavier rust. However, you can watch it dissolve smaller surface rust from sheet metal as you apply it with a rag. Pretty cool stuff.  We also give this product a rating of 6 out of 10. Again, you need to wear old clothes, rubber gloves, and eye protection.

Fast Etch from Eastwood—it does its thing on lighter rust and leaves a protective coating on the rust that remains. That's good!

This product from Permatex works about as well as the other rust-dissolving products we tried. It's hot pink, which is nice if you're into that. The instructions say to apply liberally and work the gel into any pits or areas of heavy rust. Allow the product to sit for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off with fresh water. Like the other solutions that only sit on the surface for a few minutes (with the exception of the gel covered in plastic) this product removes lighter surface rust, but leaves some of the rust in pits or more heavily rusted areas. We'll give it a 6 or maybe 6.5 out of 10 in our rust-remover test.

Permatex Rust Dissolver Gel removes lighter surface rust, like most of the other rust-dissolver products we tested.

See? Hot pink. This one is also not good to get on your clothes, skin, in your eyes or mouth, etc. It dissolves rust, and can dissolve you too.

Is it cheating to use pneumatic or electric devices to remove rust? No way! But are these devices better than some good old-fashioned elbow-grease at removing rust? Here's what we found, what we like, and what to do.

Sandpaper is a classic tool for removing rust from metal, and it works pretty darn well on light-to-moderate surface rust. You can do this the old-fashioned way, by hand, but one of the absolute best ways we found to remove surface rust from this Jeep hood was to use sandpaper attached to the foam pad of an old pneumatic random-orbit sander we borrowed from our neighbor. This combo removed rust and rust-filled old primer from the old Jeep hood relatively quickly. This is the method we used on most of the hood. It works well, except on really deep rust or contours; it's great on flat surfaces. We give it our highest rating of 8.5-9 out of 10 for being the best method we personally used (this time).

Sandpaper stuck on the pad of an old pneumatic sander wins our test of surface-rust-removal methods. It works, but the machine needs a lot of air to eat up the rust (the compressor wasn't happy) and requires frequent paper changes. We used 180-grit stick-on discs. The only thing that might be better than this at removing rust would be blasting with sand or other media.

We used the DA or random orbit sander to "finish the job" and clean up the hood after the test—that's after all the chemical removers, wire brushes on angle grinders, abrasive pads on angle grinders, and so on.

Using wire brushes or wheels is another one of our favorite methods for removing rust—as well as other grime and gunk—from various surfaces. Generally speaking, the faster the wire brush moves and the thicker the wires that make up the brush or wheel, the more aggressive it is. Our go-to for general paint and rust removal is a 4 1/2-inch angle grinder with a wire wheel on it. It works pretty well on all but the hardest rust, which it has a tendency to polish rather than remove. Our rating is a 7-8 out of 10.

We love wire wheels on an angle grinder for removing paint and other grime from metal surfaces. It works pretty well for rust, too, but we noticed that on some of the surface rust it seemed to polish the rust rather than remove it. This method works in contoured areas, but the sander (above) and abrasive pads (below) work a bit better overall, in our opinion and experience.

A small pneumatic angle grinder with either a 3M-style abrasive pad or a sanding disc is great for removing surface rust from more contoured areas of a rusty part, but sometimes the sanding disc is too aggressive and the abrasive pad (which looks like velcro) is too forgiving. For that reason, we give this option a 7-8 out of 10 as well.

This little pneumatic angle grinder with an abrasive pad is great for getting rust off of contoured areas. On this kind of grinder, the pads don't eat away the metal like a sanding disc would, which is good as there isn't a ton of metal here.

After chemically cleaning this area of the hood we got after it with the grinder and abrasive pad to remove what rust was left. The pad will eat away a little of the metal and will leave some swirly scratches, but that's OK; they will eventually be hidden under a few coats of primer and a topcoat or two.

If you've ever restored anything with the help of a small mediablaster (we have a small cabinet with glass bead as the medium), you know that this is the hot setup … until a filter clogs or you can't see inside the cabinet because of dust, a bad window, or a bad light. It is our personal opinion, though, that media blasting is the best way to clean up surface rust and more. Its downfalls are that you can only clean something small enough to fit in the cabinet—you'll have to take larger items to a professional, pay them, and wait for them to do the job—but the results are the best and the task (when things are working correctly) is pretty simple. Other drawbacks to mediablasting are that it doesn't work well on rubbery surfaces (like some bed liners, for instance), it can cause parts to warp, and the dust can be harmful. For these reasons, we give this method a solid 8-9 out of 10. The results may cost some money, but if you plan ahead (like with our hood) blasting is great at removing rust.

In our humble opinion paying a professional to mediablast paint, surface rust, and bondo from an old body panel is the best option available. It does take planning (these shops have schedules and other customers), and instead of doing your own manual labor you'll have to spend money to have it done. It's not necessarily an easy job. You need the right equipment and you need to know how to strip thin metal without warping it or blowing holes in it. Oh, and if the sheet metal is rusted through, media blasting will show you that, with a swiss-cheese result.